SearchInform DLP:

Protecting business from data leakages

Workstation Indexing


Sensitive data, if not properly secured, may be copied to employee workstations or become accessible to everyone. Such data then may be edited or sent to third parties.


The SearchInform workstation indexing module allows you to monitor occurrence of sensitive data on endpoint workstations as well as copying, movement, or deletion of such data.
The SearchInform Client application lets you search data collected from the corporate LAN user workstations. You can use keywords, phrases or entire text extracts to search for information.


  • Detection of sensitive data appearing in publicly shared folders. 
  • User-defined indexing area. You can specify any computer, disk, or folder to index on the corporate network.
  • Frequent reindexing. The software tracks occurrence and reindexes only new or modified information on user computers.
  • Immediate detection of changes. Changes in files, as well as creation of new files on the network computers can be detected virtually instantaneously.
  • Storage of indexed files The software lets you store all indexed data in a database located on the server. And even if the computer where the data resides is turned off, you will still be able to find the data.
  • Search for deleted files. Even if an indexed file has been deleted, its contents are still stored in the storage, and will be available for search during the specified period of time.


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